7 Important Tips to Consider When Planning a Long Road Trip


7 Important Tips to Consider When Planning a Long Road Trip

The lure of the wide-open road and the incredible experiences that lay ahead can be one of the most attractive aspects of taking a long road trip. However, with these great experiences also come a few obstacles along the way. That’s why we've compiled some of the best tips and tricks to consider when planning a long road trip.


1. Keep the Kids Entertained

Being able to share these experiences with our kids can truly create some of the best memories, but these memories are often created at the destination rather than during the ride. It's no secret that children may not be on their best behaviour when having to sit in a car with their siblings for hours. This is why preparing for boredom is crucial to maintaining order and ensuring a pleasant drive for mom and dad. It can be hard for kids to sit there on a long car trip, so it’s important to give thought to what to bring on the road when planning a road trip. Snacks, drinks, and items to keep your kids entertained come in very handy on the road. Before you take off from home, be aware that most tablet devices will not be able to connect to the Internet in the middle of nowhere. Therefore, it's best to download all your kid's shows prior to leaving your home. When it comes to snacks, make sure you have a good combination of tasty and healthy treats.


2. Know the Stops

Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to long road trips. Thus, knowing the resting points, gas stations, and restaurants along the route can help you out when time and money are a factor. Usually, we use digital maps such as Google Maps and Apple Maps to get around during our long trips, but did you know they can also be utilised for more than just finding the right address? By using these apps, you can pinpoint every single rest stop, gas station, and restaurant along your path. This will not only allow you to check out customer reviews but also choose your preferred areas of interest.


3. Make Sure of Everyone’s Safety

Your number one priority should always be the safety of your family. Therefore, a few precautions should be taken before setting out onto the wide-open road. You should always begin by taking your vehicle in for a check-up. Things you must ask the shop to check out are your tires, oil levels, brakes, possible leaks, and even your air filter. After that has been completed, you can then begin to focus on additional safety precautions, such as putting together a first aid kit and stocking the boot with emergency supplies like flares, traffic cones, and torches.


4. Plan Your Itinerary

Planning your itinerary includes knowing where you are going, the route you choose and how long it takes. In fact, you need to know what to expect on the road and how many stops you should make. 

It is also important to have a plan B or a second route in case the road closes because of an accident, or you encounter bad weather. Check out the weather and road conditions, do some research, and make sure you choose the right time and the best route.

You should also plan for the day you return back to your home. You should know how many days you are going to stay at the specified destination and how many sights and attractions there are to see.


5. Leave Some Room for Spontaneity

Although you should have everything planned out before the trip, it is a good idea to leave some room for spontaneity. There are lots of hidden places and secret pleasures awaiting you on the road. So why don’t you leave some extra time aside for the unexpected? 

When you are creating a budget for the trip, you might also put some money aside for this purpose alone. Say you have the budget divided between accommodation expenses, meals, and transportation. Add also an extra budget for all the uncertain things you shall decide on the spot.

This also applies to shopping and purchases. When you have packed up and put everything in the trunk, check if there is some space saved for possible purchases along the way. You want to ensure you have room for souvenirs and all the unique stuff you can buy.


6. Travel by Day

It is better for you to drive during the day, especially if you are not familiar with the route. In the daytime, you have much better vision and can avoid terrible accidents. Also, you will find help in case your car breaks down, while at night, it is harder. An important tip to avoid darkness is to start early. 

Get enough sleep the night before to wake up just before the sun comes up. Sleeping before the trip will ensure you are energised and refreshed while driving. If the trip takes longer than a day, spend the night in a roadside motel, and start again in the morning. 


7. Find an Accommodation

Finally, you need to decide where you are going to stay once you reach your determined destination. It is important to pick somewhere close to the attractions you want to see and a place that is comfortable for you and your family.

You might as well check your budget to see if you are better off staying in a hotel or a serviced apartment. Paymán Club has a range of options with affordable rates, and you may check which one suits you best based on room types, amenities and personal preferences.



Taking a long trip can truly be one of the most memorable things you can do with your family or friends. However, as with anything in life, you must always be aware of the challenges that you may face and be prepared ahead of time.