8 Tips on How to Travel with a Large Family over Holidays


8 Tips on How to Travel with a Large Family over Holidays

If you have a large family, it’s incredibly important to prepare as much as possible ahead of time. Otherwise, you could end up spending a lot more money. You could also be faced with a number of last-minute challenges that would make your trip miserable. Luckily, there are some ways to travel safely and easily with your large family over the holidays. Here are some tips on how to travel with a large family.


1. Transportation

Flights around the holidays can be very expensive. If you buy your tickets early, you can usually save a lot of money. You’ll also have better times available to you. If you have a large family, you’ll need to plan ahead so you can all get on the same flight together and be assigned seats that are near one another. If you’re taking a road trip, there’s a lot of planning involved in that sort of travel as well. Consider renting a big vehicle as an option. A full-size SUV offers many benefits for large families or groups of people.


2. Packing

Last-minute packing is a scramble, and you’ll end up forgetting things. Make a comprehensive list ahead of time to ensure you don’t overlook something. Your list should include necessary clothing, bathroom items, gifts, tickets, money, convenience items and things to keep everyone busy. You should also make a list of snacks and food that you want to take on the go.

If you are flying or even on the road, there is a chance your kids may vomit. So, pack something just in case. Also, have plenty of essential medicine because you may need it.

When you have younger children, you should bring stuff that will keep them busy. The road or air trip can be long and tiresome, and children always want to be active. 


3. Eating Out

It is good to research the restaurants available and plan where you want to eat. You can prepare a list of restaurants that offer the best options when you want to eat out with the family. It is better to prepare than to wander about the city with the family, undecided about what restaurant is suitable for you.


4. Budgeting Money

Travelling with a large family can be costly. You need to plan for different expenses, from accommodation to transportation. It is important to set some money aside each month until the time comes to go on a trip.

When the budget is ready, you should start making an estimation of all the expenses. See how much you have to pay for hotel or apartment reservations, activities, food, the car, etc. Always leave some room for unpredictable expenses like possible accidents or events.


5. Budgeting Your Time

What I mean by budgeting your time is to have a plan for the day so that there is enough time to rest and relax. In fact, you don’t want to spend one day doing everything, seeing all the attractions and coming back in the dead of night. It creates a lot of pressure on you and your family. So, make sure you budget your time with enough time to get a rest and start again.

Plus, don’t try to squeeze everything into one or two days. Give yourself enough time to explore everything. Perhaps it is better to stay in your allocated destination for 4 or 5 days and see the major sites and attractions at a slower pace. 


6. Local Guide

If your budget allows, why don’t you hire a local guide to help you out? When exploring a different city, you may get lost or not be able to find the attractions you are looking for. Tour guides are there to help you in such cases. Moreover, they will give you a lot of insider information about the language and culture of the place you visit.

If you can’t afford a local guide, at least purchase a guidebook, or find it online. Such guidebooks are a great help and will save you a lot of time.


7. Lodging

If you have a lot of kids, finding appropriate lodging can be difficult. If you don’t have a family member who can house everyone over the holidays, you’ll need to locate a suitable space for all of your crew. Booking hotel rooms at the last minute can pose a big expense. If you have younger children, booking multiple rooms is not usually convenient. Make reservations early to get the accommodations you want. Look into serviced accommodation to save money and get the amenities you need for your large family. You’ll save a lot of money cooking in a provided kitchen rather than dining out every night. If you are looking for lodging in a hotel or a serviced apartment, Paymán Club offers various affordable options in different European countries.


8. Expecting the Unexpected

What you are going through is a lovely adventure with your family. So, don’t be disappointed if something goes wrong or things don’t go as planned. You may get lost; some sites might be closed, but the key is to keep your chin up and accept things as they go.

Teach that to your kids too, and make them understand that they can still find an alternative if they face a setback. If a shop doesn’t have what you want, or a playground is closed, you have a chance to enjoy yourselves in some other way.

The holidays shouldn’t be stressful, and they don’t have to be. Planning gets a lot out of the way. Don’t put off packing until the day before departure. Doing so will only add to your stress. The last couple of days should be spent double-checking that you have everything you need.